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Gramas disponíveis para venda em Alegria RS e região

Emerald Grass (Grama Esmeralda)

grass best price m2 for Alegria RS

The Emerald Grass is a very versatile type of grass and it is very popular at Alegria RS. It is widely used for residential gardens, closed neighbourhoods, swimming pool borders as well as for commercial and industrial areas and even for soccer fields at Alegria RS. In addition, it has a great price compared to other types of grasses. Doe to its versatility and price, it is the most sold and most popular type of grass at Alegria RS and all over Brazil. We at Real Gramas deliver the Emerald Grass (Grama Esmeralda) to Alegria RS with unbeatable prices! Come and see!

Carpet Grass (Grama São Carlos)

grass for soccer field in Alegria RS

The Carpet Grass (Grama São Carlos) is the most recommended grass for half-shade areas such as orchards and parks at Alegria RS. Furthermore, the Carpet Grass can be planted in different types of soil, and it adapts well in areas where other types of grass do not adapt well. Its appearance is very similar to the Bahia Grass (Grama Batatais ) with broad leaves, however, it has no hair. Thus, it can be planted at Alegria RS at recreational areas where children can play not worrying about allergies. If you are from Alegria RS, you may quote Carpet Grass with us from Real Gramas and we will offer you the best price from the market.

Bahia Grass (Grama Batatais)

buy grass in Alegria RS

The Bahia Grass is a native type of grass and it is originally a pasture plant. It is widely used on roadsides throughout Brazil, including at Alegria RS. It is a grass that is very resistant to drought since it has a deep root and, therefore, it is widely used in planting slopes and embankments at Alegria RS and throughout the country. However, it is a grass that grows very fast and requires constant maintenance. Otherwise the lawn may become a thicket. Because of its native origin, it is usually harvested with a hoe and is sold by us at Real Gramas by truck (closed load) and not per m2. You may aks for a quote for free and we will guarantee the best price for Alegria RS and region.

Korean Velvetgrass (Grama Coreana)

grass price in Alegria RS

The Korean Velvetgrass, also known as Japanese Grass, is a type of grass with fine leaves and a smooth texture. It forms a very dense carpet and, therefore, it is widely used in oriental Japanese style gardens and golf courses. It can be planted at your city at Alegria RS, other than on the coastal cities and inland towns. Since it is the most expensive type of grass in the market, careful land preparation before planting is recommended. Before proceeding to finalizing the purchase, consult a professional agronomist there at the city of Alegria RS to evaluate your land previously. The best price of Korean Velvetgrass for Alegria RS is with us Real Gramas!

Bermuda Grass (Grama Bermuda)

garden grass in Alegria RS

Bermuda Grass (Grama Bermuda) is the official grass for soccer fields at Alegria RS and all over the country and all over the world. It is a type of grass that regenerates quickly and it is quite resistant to trampling. In addition, even if your city at Alegria RS may be very hot during Summer or dry and cold in Winter, Bermuda Grass tolerates these temperature variations pretty well. However, it does not tolerate areas of much shade or if it is very cold for a long period of time. Therefore, when you ask for a quote for Bermuda Grass to Alegria RS, do confirm with us at Real Gramas the location where it will be planted. We are ready to offer you the best price in the area of Alegria RS.

Saint Augustin Grass (Grama Santo Agostinho)

grass direct from the producer to Alegria RS

The St. Augustine grass forms a very dense carpet similar to the Korean Velvetgrass. It is a type of grass that is very popular at Alegria RS for its beauty and for ornamental gardening. It has thin, pointed, and hairless leaves. If the city of Alegria RS is a city of intense cold during the Winter time, the St. Augustine grass may not be ideal at your place. However, if Alegria RS is a very warm and hot city, it will be the ideal temperature for this type of grass. It is a very common grass at coastal regions and is planted on the edges of swimming pools, lakes, rivers, and farms. We at Real Gramas have the best price of St Agostine Grass for you at Alegria RS.