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How to plant Emerald Grass

Grama EsmeraldaGrama São CarlosGrama BermudasGrama Santo AgostinhoGrama CoreanaGrama Batatais

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How to plant Emerald Grass


Grama Esmeralda em Goiânia - GO


In this article we will give you all the necessary tips and information on how to plant the Emerald grass and make the most of it to make the area or its land spotless.

Before purchasing the Emerald Grass, read this article to find out if this is the ideal grass for the place where you want to cover with grass.



Factors that you may take into account:

- Is your land located in a very dry region?

- Is your land barren or does it have enough nutrients?

- Is the terrain flat or sloped?

- Does the place where I want to plant the grass receive sunlight or is it mostly shaded?

- Will the grass be trampled or will cars and machines pass over it frequently?

- Will there be small animals (dogs for example) or large animals (horses for example) trampling on the grass frequently?

Read through the end of this article to see the answers to those questions about Emerald grass!

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How to plant the Emerald Grass?


A step by step easy to remember...


  1. Clean the ground that will be planting the emerald grass. Remove stones, debris, weeds, weeds, etc.
  2. If the soil is poor in nutrients, correct this problem in the soil first.
  3. Order the emerald grass. It can come in rolls or carpets. The type does not change the price or the quality. Some say that it is easier to plant grass in one way or another, so it will depend on the taste of the person who is going to plant it.
  4. Before the grass truck arrives at your location, think about where the emerald grass will be unloaded. Preferably, look for a location closer to where the grass will be planted.
  5. When the grass arrives at your destination, try to unload the Emerald grass quickly side by side and not forming a big piles. It is not necessary to water the grass carpets after unloading the grass. It may have a dry appearance, but what dried out were the leaves during transport. The roots will be firm and strong. But there are limits to everything. Try not to leave the grass "stored" and piled for more than 10 days. Please remind that the longer you wait to plant the grass, more carpets of grass may die, especially those at the lower part of the pile. Therefore, try to plant the grass as soon as it arrives at your place. 
  6. When you start placing the Emerald grass carpets on the ground, it is not necessary to place them glued together. A spacing of up to 5 cm is well tolerated and will be quickly filled in a short time.
  7. Try to water the emerald grass after every 100 meters of planting. Do not wait to finish planting and place the plates on the ground to start planting. Especially if the day is very hot and dry.

Once you have finished planting and placing the Emerald grass carpets on your land, water the land daily for at least 2 to 3 months. Emerald grass will take deep roots and it will grow beautiful and healthy.

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 Answering the questions above:

 Land features and Emerald grass

If your land is located at a very dry region, then get ready to water the Emerald grass frequently. Emerald grass requires constant watering. One option is to use an automatic irrigation system. The best time for watering is in the late afternoon and evening when the soil begins to cool. During the Winter time, with drier weather, you will need to water the Emerald Grass more often.

If your land is barren, you will need to do the land treatment before planting the grass. Consult a local agronomist or agronomist to check your land and correct the lack of nutrients. See our tip on “How to Fertilize the Grass” for more details that can help you plant the Emerald Grass.


The Emerald grass and the land: embankment of flat area

Emerald grass is the most suitable for both areas. This grass is even the most requested and most planted grass in Brazil. It is used in sports fields, recreational areas and even on the side of the highways and on the edge of dams. This grass has deep roots that will adapt well to sloping terrain. But keep in mind that terrain with slopes above 30 degrees, the possibility of erosion and the chance of the grass "running" with rain will be greater.We will soon write tips on how to plant grass on embankments and embankments.


The importance of sunlight and planting the Emerald grass

Emerald grass needs constant sunlight. It is NOT recommended for areas of shade or half shade


Trampling over the Emerald Grass

Emerald grass is a grass that is very resistant to trampling, however, it is not resistant to frequent trampling. That is, for sports fields such as football, baseball, football and even golf, the emerald grass is very good to plant. However, for areas of passage, or “paths”, it is recommended to place plates of stones or cement interleaving so that the person does not step on the grass directly.


Animals and the Emerald Grass

Small animals are no problem for the grass. However, it is worth remembering that the urine of these animals, especially dogs, is not very good for (any type of) the grass. So, if you are going to make, for example, a pet area, think about placing a specific place for the bathtub of these animals.

As for large animals like horses, we do not recommend Emerald grass as the trampling of these animals will definitely end up with the grass and you will have to do constant maintenance on it.


 A final tip:

Question: I asked for a quote of Emerald grass that was very cheap over other sellers. May I trust it?

Answer: as any good consumer, be aware of very cheap Emerald grass prices in the market. The price of Emerald Grass should not vary much. The price of the grass and quality of the grass in this case are directly related. The crop time of Emerald grass is very important. Don't buy early harvested Emerald grass of less than 12 months. In addition to being less resistant, the chance of contamination by weeds is greater, as the Emerald grass planting must have occurred recently and the land may not have been treated in time. Opt for more experienced producers. Real Gramas has been in the market for more than 20 years. Make a free quote with us from Emerald Grass that you will be surprised with our prices and quality of Emerald Grass.

 In case of any additional doubt, do ask for a professional gardener, an agronomist or agricultural engineer.

 + 55 (15) 3273-2644 (Itapetininga)

+ 55 (15) 99630-5347 (whatsapp)

+ 55 (11) 3733-5989 (Office at São Paulo)

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  Grama EsmeraldaGrama São CarlosGrama BermudasGrama Santo AgostinhoGrama CoreanaGrama Batatais

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Comments (2)

Muito legal este artigo, especialmente em inglês. Queria mandar para um vizinho meu americano que me perguntou de algumas dicas e sites, mas só encontrava em português. A tradução automática do google não era muito legal nesses sites. Aqui ficou bem mais claro e me poupou trabalho de tradução. Parabéns!

Thanks for this post. Very informative