The best price and the best quality in grass is at Real Gramas! Check this out by clicking here!
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+55 (15) 3273-2644 (Itapetininga)
+55 (11) 3733-5989 (São Paulo)
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How to buy grass with the best price and quality
Most often buying low priced grass does not mean you are getting a great deal.
Unlike buying a cell phone or a new car when you may find a specific model being sold with a good price at a specific store, the grass is a living being. Therefore, you have to pay attention to the quality of the grass that you are buying.
There are variable prices in the grass market and this is mainly due to the quality of the grass being sold.
But, what does "good quality grass" necessarily mean?
Here follows some tips on what to ask for when buying grass:
- What is the grop year of the grass?
Expected answer: at least one year. The ideal harvesting season would be between 1 year and 2 months to 1 and a half years of harvest. This goes for any type of grass, be it Emerald (Esmeralda), Carpet (São Carlos), Korean Velvet (Coreana), Saint Augustine (Santo Agostinho) and Bermuda / Bermudas. You will pay a slightly higher price per m2, but the final cost-benefit will compensate.
Why this? The longer the planting time, the rooting is deeper, forming firmer grass plates or grass carpets. Therefore, in addition to facilitating the planting and placement of the boards and carpets without it falling apart when planting the grass at your land, in a short time the grass root will deepen and the grass will firmly attach to your land. This will save a lot of your initial labor and maintenance. You will realize that it was worth the price of the grass you paid. Just remember to irrigate your grass every day right after planting. See more tips at: How to plant grass
- Is grass free from pests and weeds?
Expected answer: Yes!
Why this? Of course, no one would like to buy grass and have to get rid of weeds in the short and medium term. In fact, the grass MUST be free of weeds as determined by the Ministry of Agriculture. Official grass sellers must comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture and thus the grass should be certified for trade. However, with time, after some time weeds do appear. After all, this is normal, because birds and wind can bring weed seeds and even seedlings of these weeds. You may check our website on the tips about: how to eliminate weeds from your lawn.
- Where else can I save on my purchase?
Answer: Try to buy a full load of truck: 1000 m2 or 1500 m2 because of the truck types.
Why this? Remember that we farmers do not normally own trucks for deliveries. Therefore, freight is contracted (outsourced), and the price is fixed. So, the final price per m2 for a 1,000 m2 of grass in a truck is cheaper than the price per m2 of grass that is not with its full load in a truck.
For example, suppose the price of the Emerald Grass is R$ 3.50/m2 and the freight cost is R$ 2,000 to your location. If you buy 1,000 m2 you will pay a total of 3.50 x 1,000 + 5,000 = R$ 8,500. This mean you pay R$ 8,50 per m2.
However, if you buy 500 m2, you will pay a total of 350 x 500 + 5,000 = R$ 6,750. This mean you pay R$ 13.5 per m2!!!
Note again that the price of the freight won't change when taking 500 m2 or 1000 m2.
Additional tips:
- Many people in the market sell grass with the terms: "Plus", "Premium", etc. However, there is no different name for grass. Esmeralda is Esmeralda, São Carlos is São Carlos, Bermuda is Bermuda, Korean is Korean Velvetgrass, Saint Augustine is Saint Augustine. The grass they call, for example São Carlos Plus, is nothing more than the São Carlos grass with a harvest time of 1 year and 2 months to 1 and a half years. In the same way the Grama Esmeralda Plus or Esmeralda Premium. They are sold with this "special name" just because their harvest is 4 to 6 months longer.
- The longer the harvest, the better is the grass? Not necessarily, because, if it is "older", the grass carpet can weigh more and thus exceed the limit weight for loading and transportation. Prefer a harvest of up to 2 years.
- You can also save on shipping! If you have the possibility to contract your own freight through acquaintances, or from local freight companies that would do what we call return freight, you can just purchase the grass with us and come to our town and collect the grass at our farm. The return freight is nothing more than a truck that is in the region of Itapetininga, where we are, and is returning to your city empty. The truck driver or the freight company will love to get the trip to take the grass to you. The cost in this case can be up to 30% less.
If you are interested in a particular grass and have more questions, contact us at Real Gramas! Check out! click here
Call us and ask for a free quote:
+55 (15) 3273-2644 (Itapetininga)
+55 (11) 3733-5989 (São Paulo)
+55 (15) 99630-5347 (whatsapp)
You will see that we have great prices!
Please note that we can only sell and deliver grass in Brazil
I always look at the very cheap prices of grass with some some distrust. Now I know why some of the producers sell grasses with a very good price. I'll try to pay attention on the quality. I didn't know about this.